
Showing posts from May, 2017

Programme to print the pattern

To print the pattern below * ** *** **** ***** This programme to print the pattern is done with the help of nested for loop.Outer and inner loop executed 5 time.And after the inner loop executed the values of m decreasing by one every time. Here shown above is the output. 

Programme to find the longest word in the sentence

This program is made to find the longest word in the sentence.We add space to the input sentence and measure the length of the sentence.After that we run the loop and extract the word,then we measure the length of the word extract.Then the loop is run again and the new word is extract then it will compare together and it will assign the longest one to p and the length of the longest word to n.  Here we see that the input sentence is"Arun want to study java".Hence the longest word is (study) and length of the longest word is(5).

Program to count the total no. of vowel in the sentence

This is the program that count the total number of vowel in the sentence.The program is done by using the help of loop and if-else condition.Here user input the sentence and it extract each alphabet and check whether it is vowel or not.If it is then the counter c will increament. Here above we see that the user input the sentence "Arun want to study java programming" and the no. of vowel in the sentence are 10 that is(A,u,a,o,u,a,a,o,a,i).

Program to find the prime no. between the given range

The program to find  prime no. there are many logic to do but i used the nested loop to do it as it is easiest method.We initialize the require variable and do the next step.Here n is the variable to store the input number by the user.If the user want to find the prime no. between 1 to 100 then n should be 100.Next it will check the condition if it is true then it go on next loop and it will check the condition again.If the condition is true then it come to the (if) statement and it check for the prime no.Here if c=2 then the no. is prime and it will print otherwise not. Here the user input n=100.Hence it print the prime no between the range of 1to100 as see above.  

Programme to find sum and difference between two number

This program is to find the sum and the difference between any two numbers. We write bufferedReader to input the no. from the user.The number will initialize in a and b.We use c to store the sum and difference between number a and b.And finally we print it. Here above we can see that the program when we want to run it ask input from the user. Support the input a=87 and b=17 then the sum is 104 and difference is 70.So this is the basic program of java using bluej.

Some Java Programme using bluej

The orange boxes shown above are the window which contain the java program.To make this program firstly you have to install the BlueJ.Then on the main screen above shown many options(Project,Edit,Tool,New Class,etc).Click at the new class and write the class name and the orange box will appear.Hence you can starting program in the window.

Blue J

I have study the java program language using  BlueJ  in India for three years in class 10 to class 12. BlueJ  is an integrated development environment (IDE) for the Java programming language, developed mainly for educational purposes, but also suitable for small-scale software development. It runs with the help of JDK (Java Development Kit). BlueJ  was developed to support the learning and teaching of object-oriented programming, and its design differs from other development environments as a result. The main screen graphically shows the class structure of an application under development (in a UML-like diagram), and objects can be interactively created and tested. This interaction facility, combined with a clean, simple user interface, allows easy experimentation with objects under development. Object-oriented concepts (classes, objects, communication through method calls) are represented visually and in its interaction design in the interface. The develo...